Saturday, November 13, 2010

Just Around the Bend...

The semester is coming to a close. I have watched it fly past at an exhausting rate of speed. And in the back of my mind there is an ever present questions. "Now what?" Friends ask me, strangers ask me and I ask myself. I wish so often that my life was a book that I could go pick up and turn a few chapters into the future and see what is going to happen, what I should do, or where I should go. But life isn't as simple as a novel and no amount of wishing and hoping is going to reveal the future to me (not even the tiniest bit) I cannot see what is ahead. See, life is more like a series of books all released at different times. I am approaching the last chapter of this book and the publishers are enjoying the suspense and anticipation of the next addition. There will be no sneak-peeks, spoilers, or promos and so the only thing to go on is the speculation of the fans and they try to see which of the various choices ther heroine has will be the subject in the next book. So what should I do? Well, the true author of the situation is God so technically I should ask Him right? Well, easier said then done. But I must be doing a little something right because this November is hectic but it has been one of the most content and peaceful times I have ever had in my life. I may not know the what lies around the bend after graduation (if I pass my exams lol) but I do know that the maker of the universe has a plan and it is going to be one heck of the story! :)


I heard once that loneliness is God calling to your heart and telling you to turn to him.